Tuesday, March 19, 2013

1:14 AM

Did Google Penalize BBC News For Unnatural Links?

BBC News and Google

I think all of you know that BBC is the world biggest broadcast news organization and last weekend it got a unnatural links notification from Google. This is seriously not a joke.

In Google Webmaster Help thread, BBC website's representative was asking, how to remove unnatural links from their website, so they can 100% sure BBC.co.uk is clear of any Google penalty.

Nick from the BBC wrote:
I am a representative of the BBC site and on Saturday we got a 'notice of detected unnatural links'. 
Given the BBC site is so huge, with so many independently run sub sections, with literally thousands or agents and authors, can you give us a little clue as to where we might look for these 'unnatural links'.

The fact is he could not be saying the BBC or one of the agents who run a section of the BBC didn't do anything incorrect. He is saying that he needs assistance finding which section has the problem.

Was the BBC punished by Google? tough for me to inform. They do rank for their name [BBC]. Have they burned any traffic to their site due to this link notification? Only the BBC would be certain. But clearly Nick is looking to fix the situation as quickly as possible.

It helps to make you wonder; even a site with such a big backlink profile can have these conditions. I am uncertain if the issue is with incoming links or external links - but it seems to imply this is an incoming link issue.

Oh, therefore I guess this doesn't damage Matt's declare that big brands do get punished and treated equally to other brands.